Thank you for being here, I am so excited to share more of my writing with you!
As I have said before, social media can be an echo chamber, a bubble, a place to consolidate your own opinions rather than challenge you to open your mind and develop new ones. However, the recent response to my ableism infographic may have proved me wrong! Many new faces messaged me, thanking me for introducing them to ableism, and almost 1,000 people have shared it & reposted. Still, I hope by creating this space away from algorithms and adverts that we can form a communi-tea of thoughtful, compassionate people, collecting and sharing resources to brew a new reality in real life as well as online!
Lots of new things are happening, the launch of my Patreon (no pressure but if you want to help support my work, now you can!) my Website, YouTube channel and, of course, this newsletter.
If you’re reading this, you are incredibly special to me and are inspiring me to keep creating. Thank you for the support, I am eternally grateful!
I thought I would end every week with a recommendation- a song I am listening to, a quote I’ve found, or something else I want to share. Today, I wanted to celebrate the first newsletter with my hype song, in the hopes that if you need a boost next week, you can find it here.
I listen to this song every time I write or record a new podcast episode and it never fails to make me smile! I discovered it through Meet the Robinsons, one of my favourite childhood movies. I hope it brightens your mood…
Another Believer by Rufus Wainwright.
Remember to breathe,
HB x