Hey you!
How have you been doing?
Today is actually the 1 year anniversary of Tea with HB! This past year has been absolutely wild, I think we can all agree. Thank you for being here, and thank you for listening to my ideas and rambles. It is lovely to think this time last year I was talking to a wall, and now my podcast has been listened to by thousands of people all over the world!
Right now my Sleep Series is running on instagram and soon you will be able to find every post on my website, which has just been re-jazzed so you can see all my artwork and find every podcast episode and blog I have written really easily. I am currently working on my ‘Sustainabili-tea’ series to look at how we can make environmental activism more accessible and if you have any questions or suggestions around that topic I would love to hear them!
Check out my website here: www.teawithhb.com
April is going to be all about poetry, as I am taking part in Escapril! If you are looking for a way to strengthen your creativity this could be a great place to start. You can find the prompts simply by googling Escapril :)
Season 2 of Tea with HB is officially in the works and I am SO excited about the guests I have got lined up. I don’t want to jinx anything but… these episodes are so much fun to record. If you have any topics you really want me to talk about just reply to this email- I would love to hear from you.
On a personal note, I have had my first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and am recovering from the side effects. Grateful to have been offered it (after much anxiety and argument with doctors!) when so many disabled people are not being prioritised yet. The UK is moving pretty fast though, so hopefully we can all be outside enjoying the sunshine soon!
Take a deep breath, drink some water, and relax your facial muscles 😌
okay that’s enough from me.