Dear Swee-tea,
I hope this finds you well and not on a 5-year waiting list for medical care. I hope this finds you enjoying your freedom of speech. I hope this finds you political.
'I’m not political!!’
I think what people mean when they say this is actually ‘I don’t have the skills or confidence to make a positive difference so I am going to hold a neutral or apathetic opinion’. The issue here is that if you are silent or indifferent, if you say you don’t care, sometimes you are part of a damaging impact that you really didn’t want! In the UK, we have an election coming up, but even if you don’t live here, I hope this is helpful…
If you care about getting an education, the food you eat, if you enjoy drinking clean water, if you use the NHS, or the toilet, or you want your bins picked up, if you think disabled people deserve to live, or you want gay people to have equal rights… you are interested in politics! And that’s okay.
Register to Vote Deadline: June 18
Politics is much like feminism, global warming, and disability. The assumed meaning is not the actual definition of these words. Feminism does not mean woman are better than men, it means equality for all sexes. Global warming does not mean the weather is always warm, it means the planet’s climate is in crisis. Disabled does not mean unable, it means daily activities are made more difficult. Political does not mean smart, nerdy, stuffy, superior, opinionated, talking about politicians all the time, watching the news, or being up to date on every single vote and policy!!! Politics means means caring about the decisions that impact your daily life, your friends, your family, strangers, or the people who take care of you like doctors, teachers, and bin men! And- if you are able- holding the people that make those decisions to account, and asking for improvement.
The more people who claim ‘being interested in politics’ as a positive personality trait, the less stigma will be attached, and the more improvement we can make to our world! So don’t be ashamed to be political, don’t be ashamed to care.
Vote Tactically
Democracy only works if the people are educated on which policies they are voting in to power. So please, take some time to look up the people standing for election in your area, and register to vote! I would also encourage you to vote tactically if you live in a Conservative area like me.
I hope it comes as no surprise that while I encourage you to vote for whoever you think best represents your own values, I would also beg you not to vote Tory.
The current Tory Government are responsible for
violating disabled people’s human rights according to the United Nations
and much, much more…
When it comes to educating yourself on who to vote for, think about your values. Do you want the NHS to exist? For benefits to be more accessible? Would you like university tuition scrapped? For the rich to be taxed more? Do you want more renewable energy? For Net Zero to be reached by 2040? Would you like 16 year olds to be able to vote? Do you think phones should be banned in schools? Is voter ID is a good idea? Do you want Proportional Representation? Should conversion therapy be legal? Have a skim of each party’s manifesto, or look up summaries online, and see which one best aligns with your values!
I believe in Proportional Representation, mitigating the impact of climate crisis, and funding the NHS so that it can work better for medical professionals and patients. These are the most important policies to me, but I also live in a Conservative area, so I will have to vote tactically. This means I am not able to vote for the policies I like best, because our voting system doesn’t work to represent us all fairly. The most important thing to me in this election is having a non-right-wing government. I would love to vote Green, but I will be voting Liberal Democrat, because they are the most likely party to win other than the Tories in my area. This is tactical voting. That said, I do agree with a lot of LibDem’s policies! But, if you are able to vote Green, I really hope you will!!!
Important Note: There is no such thing as a ‘wasted vote’ because what people vote for informs the leading parties on how to shape their future policies- and highlights the need for proportional representation!
Beyond voting, you can volunteer to door-knock, ring potential voters, put a sign outside your house, and much more. Reach out to any local political party you like and find out how you can help!
A poem I wrote when I turned 18, before the last general election and after Brexit.
What is democracy? Power is knowledge. Then the people have no power- You see: Democracy Is nothing more than inconsistency A definition without a meaning that we Use to comfort ourselves We don't know what's going on Our education has just begun On taxes, laws and referendums And what are we voting for? A right to speak and shout some more Without ever being heard But We say At least we have democracy At least the people have the power Thank God that we are FREE! Nothing more that I can do, any how I'm just a people, me.
I do truly believe that when we have knowledge, we hold great power. My mission is to create a more inclusive and compassionate world, and politics is a massive part of that. Although my own time as a politician was pretty sour, I am still passionate about making people’s voices heard. If there is a topic you would like to see me write about, let me know! Thanks for reading and PLEASE share with a friend or on socials!
HB x
June Favourites
☀️ Good News: Looking after my niece!
📚 Book: Turtles All the Way Down
📺 TV: Grey’s Anatomy
🍿 Movie: Barbie Swan Lake
🍜 Recipe: Gluten Free Apple Pie
🎶 Music: Snow Angel by Reneé Rapp