Happy Holidays, sweet tea, and a very warm welcome if you’re new here!
My name is Blossom (or HB!) and I have been chronically ill since I was a little girl. I am trying to use what I have learnt from years of pain to help others. This includes sharing free resources on my website TeawithHB.com and taking the time to talk to you today about how we can all protect each other from getting infections that could result in life long chronic illness.
Illness has taken so much from me, but growing this communi-tea with you is one of the best things I have ever done. Let’s make sure this is a season of festivity rather than infection!
I’d love to take this opportunity to introduce you to the John Snow Project…
‘In 1854, Dr John Snow figured out that the people dying from Cholera were all drinking the same water.
He managed to convince the authorities to remove the handle from the Broad Street water pump. Sure enough, people stopped dying. It turns out the water was polluted by sewage. His discovery eventually led to clean water in cities all over the world, changing public health forever.’
Today, a lot of us take clean water for granted, but those who don’t have clean water know how detrimental it can be to health. Covid-19 is an airborne disease, and in the future, I hope everyone will have access to not only clean water, but also clean air! Because clean air is to Covid as clean water is to Cholera. The John Snow Project wants to accelerate access to clean air, and it is also a wonderful resource to learn more about Covid-19. This short Christmas themed video sums it up well.
But in a nutshell, here are things we all can and should do to help:
Spread the word, not the virus!
Get vaccinated and booster’d
Share this email and The John Snow Project with a friend!
Wear an FFP2 or N95 mask
Increase ventilation indoors
Use an air purifier
You can find some of the products I use here! They will help you protect yourself and others as well as supporting Tea with HB, at no extra cost to you! I will make a small commission if you choose to buy using this amazon link!
If you are struggling to understand why this matters (cognitive dissonance is hard to get away from!) or you just want something to be able to share with your friends and family, I implore you to read this US news reporter’s letter to her loved ones.
If you are someone who is nervous about Covid but struggling to make others around you understand, you are not alone. My godmother inspired this particular letter and she told me ‘you’re not wrong, just early.’ Do all you can to keep yourself safe, but do not beat yourself up or stress, there is only so much we can control!
I wish you and your loved ones a peace-filled and infection-free festive season!
HB x